Market & Risk Analysis
Globalization has changed the power dynamics of the modern trade. As the competition has been globalized, finding unsaturated markets has become intensively demanding. Due to the historical French influence in West Africa, the language and culture barriers have hindered sub-regional globalization. Profound and tailored market analysis is always the base for successful internationalization process
Market Size Estimation
French speaking West African market is usually perceived rather small and dispersed. In reality the sub-region has an immense future potential and the size in terms of population equals more than half of the Europe.
Competitor Analysis
Competitive advantage is always relative. Only by obtaining valuable information on your regional competition, your business is capable of differentiating and penetrating the market. Knowing your competitors enables you to position your business to the West African markets
Growth & Future Prospects
Meanwhile the global financial crisis has hauled the global economic growth, Sub-Saharan Africa has succeeded to retaining robust 5-6 % annual growth rate. This is a solid evidence that the African growth track of the past decade has come here to stay
Risky West Africa?
West African markets are usually stigmatized as risky areas for doing business. Due to the lack of knowledge on the risks and the language barriers still many companies are operating in higher risk Anglophone African countries.
Leveraging our local presence we have access to most updated information on the local politics and shifts in the local economies. The risk profiles of West African countries differ a lot, enabling you to choose the most safe internationalization environment for your business.